
slipping a little

(2020, this pic was from Dec. of 05 but probably about the same weight. Ironically I’m about the same now!!!  Sadly I got as high as 200 in 2011 or so….)

From weight journal —

I can’t remember when I posted last, but I’m not doing terrible. I have slipped a bit, though. I was ecstatic (sp?) to have lost 17 pounds by August, going from 185 to 168. I have been maintaining between 168 and 169 ever since but then this week was 170. I had been eating more M&M’s lately. It just seems like fall brings thoughts of candy and casseroles and comfort foods — NOT good for the diet!! Ha! So I need to add more water (did drink a bunch today!) and eat less fat (the taco bell today wasn’t great.) And we made a cake yesterday – we’re moving and I was kinda celebrating and figured we’d use the cake mix – it was from July from Colleen’s birthday party and didn’t want to just throw it out as it was still good. Will have to give the rest of the cake to thin people….Maybe my mom?

But, NO halloween candy for me – and I’m NOT BLOWING IT LIKE I DID LAST YEAR!



autism, organizing, relocation

Families in trouble

I did get lots of stuff done yesterday and DH helped me a lot. I sorted all the papers again in the living room and packed up more stuff. Sorted out several drawers in the bedroom and organized those. Threw out tons of stuff! And this morning I did some laundry and actually baked a cake. Not that I need to eat it — ha! — but I’m trying to use up all my boxed goods especially due to the danged moths we have that get into all of that stuff. I’m not taking ANY of them with me…. the boxed goods (and hopefully not the moths, either!)

Wanted to post about two autism related things–

Continue reading “Families in trouble”


photobucket looks cool!

Just posted pics there and as you can see directly posted one from there. Now, I wonder if you can make the image smaller and post on it too at the bottom or top? Will have to play.

I think I may like that better than coppermine, but don’t know if it will hold as much. i see it can do a slideshow with tags…..

but, back to a break – no more playing until we move!


2020 wonder if I should just delete this, but on the other hand interesting to remember the photo programs we used to have to use.  the past post had a photobucket pic in it.  It was SO full of ads that I just copied directly my picture.  Now I wonder if my photobucket site is even still valid… haven’t used it years.

health, organizing, photos, relocation

Old house pictures

I spent this morning taking some pictures of the house here as some moms on this moms group I’m on wanted to see it. They’re actually doing a video but I don’t know if I’ll have time to do that before we move. So I took a bunch of new pictures here 

2020 (invalid link) will try and just post a few of the pictures from 2005 above

https://criscollrj.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=12 . I am a little aggravated though, with coppermine – I may eventually try and find a new picture site. I get aggravated because I named all the pictures about you can’t see the names and descriptions when you run the slideshow. What good is that? And I don’t know how to change the order either. Oh well…. sigh. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS?

Yuck – cold. Drip. Sneeze. That’s all I’ll say about that.

Ryan is off now, and I had some lunch – leftover pork and potatoes and sauerkraut. I am going to go off and do the pantry. I must do that today. I did pack up the linen closet yesterday and did the dishes. Yeah me!

I just have to go to bank and then go grocery shopping. I was supposed to go with him to the bank after speech but I just realized I forgot to. I also have to pick up Chris’s pills. So I’ll have a busy time with Doreen! I think we’ll just go to Aldi’s.

Day four now of underwriting AGAIN – I have never waited this long before at one time. Last time it went through underwriting in 2 hours. The time before, 3 days. I may have to call them soon. There is absolutely nothing new on the web site of our account since Oct. 6.

I have to run now — i’ll probably be on a posting break for quite a while. I have too much to do and have been on the computer too much.


God, reflections


in response to: http://www.livejournal.com/users/psychlea/24512.html

I don’t remember a time in my life where I didn’t hear or know about Jesus Christ and Christianity. My mom and dad were divorced when I was 4, and laying down and going to sleep, with the words of Moody Bible Institute on WCRF 103.3 Cleveland Ohio coming into my mind as the radio played, are some of my first memories. Church life was not consistent through the years, but WCRF was always there, as was my family’s Bible and seeing them read and pray.

I was raised Catholic for the most part, and attended Catholic school from 1st through 4th grade. (Didn’t go to Kindergarten!). My whole family was Catholic, but we didn’t go to church a lot. I imagine that the 4 years I attended school were the years that my mom attended most faithfully as that seems to be the norm for when you have a child in a parochial school.

Continue reading “testimony”