
slipping a little

(2020, this pic was from Dec. of 05 but probably about the same weight. Ironically I’m about the same now!!!  Sadly I got as high as 200 in 2011 or so….)

From weight journal —

I can’t remember when I posted last, but I’m not doing terrible. I have slipped a bit, though. I was ecstatic (sp?) to have lost 17 pounds by August, going from 185 to 168. I have been maintaining between 168 and 169 ever since but then this week was 170. I had been eating more M&M’s lately. It just seems like fall brings thoughts of candy and casseroles and comfort foods — NOT good for the diet!! Ha! So I need to add more water (did drink a bunch today!) and eat less fat (the taco bell today wasn’t great.) And we made a cake yesterday – we’re moving and I was kinda celebrating and figured we’d use the cake mix – it was from July from Colleen’s birthday party and didn’t want to just throw it out as it was still good. Will have to give the rest of the cake to thin people….Maybe my mom?

But, NO halloween candy for me – and I’m NOT BLOWING IT LIKE I DID LAST YEAR!
