My to-do list today: from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
* Get rid of headache from h*** (already laid down quite a bit and took 2 Excedrin Migraine pills) — Well it’s better but I still feel goofy. I had to nap for like 60 minutes as I felt so off and getting nauseous.
* Get two more kids on the bus
* Take bath/shower
* Order Avon today
* Finish reading over hearings due today (I’m way ahead on this and QUITE HAPPY about that! — I have read 4 3/4’s of 6 hearings and will finish reading them shortly when I get back home.
* Start job today that I was going to start Monday (headache permitting) — Not going to happen, I don’t think
* Call lady I’m doing speech trans for as she never called me back yesterday. Explain that I probably won’t get sizeably through this until week of the 10th (finish by 15th or so???) — Didn’t yet but will try from car
* Unpack remaining Christmas stuff and get boxes up to attic (I KNEW it would take all week this week – not bad, “bite-size” portions– didn’t happen.
* Mail in printer ink rebate — I’ll just do this tomorrow
* Make a decent dinner in crockpot — just going to put up something quick at store
* Go to grocery store — Going to run in very quickly now, get a few things, and get gas, AND THEN have to pick up sick kid at school (again) which is pretty well going to throw off all the above plans because of the length of time involved to do so involved in distance driving, etc., before other kids come home…. They don’t want to put him on the bus because he’s on there for an hour while they pick up kids for another school, etc.
* Buy Christmas stamps — Will try and remember this at the store! DIDN’T REMEMBER.
* Do A TON of dishes (they’re piling up badly)
* Laundry (unspoken amount still remaining and WET)
* Start cleaning up basement (this weekend probably) again for basement treating people coming next Thursday.
I realized that I’ll actually be off work next Wed., Thurs., and Fri (mammogram, basement people coming, and my Christmas plans with my friend) so I need to make full use of today, Monday and Tuesday!!!
headache be GONE!
later – GOT Chris picked up. GOT ahold of new client (yay, she’s happy with my doing job by 15th!). Still sick and nauseous with migraine…