health, interests, TV

old favorites —


I started crocheting again a few weeks ago — I’m making a table scarf for my computer table and plan to make another for the other table. I used to knit and crochet a lot when I was a young teen up until maybe 15 years ago. It’s really soothing to do it again.

Planned to watch the new episode of 90210 on the computer, but ended up watching


My So Called Life instead (the final episode) instead, on Hulu, as last night’s 90210 is not on yet. I really loved My So Called Life, and can’t put into words how I sometimes can identify with Clare Danes’ character in that show – – -as well as Brian.

So, back to work tomorrow after busy day today running around town trying to reestablish Chris’s items such as bank accounts, SSI, etc. It’s amazing how long all that takes and how tiring it is. Now I have another large packet of papers again as his SSI recert for his medical need is due.

Still waiting for test results on Colleen – – posted on Facebook but not here that she’s been tested for anemia and mono for how tired and exhausted and weak she’s been on and off lately. Hopefully we’ll find out by tomorrow —


music, NaBloPoMo, TV

MISSED the Next Great American Band this week—

I’m bummed. But I will find it online I’m sure. Just couldn’t find it yet tonight.

DVR was supposed to tape it, but it messed up.

Anyway – the Clark Brothers and Light of Doom are my favorites, but Tres Bien is awesome too! I finally watched last week’s episode tonight and I thought Sixwire really brought it as well!! What the heck, they are all great!!!

I was “just” a girl guitarist, but when I was 13 I’d have LOVED to be in a band like Light of Doom….

I just hope this isn’t only a “one-time” thing – would love to see this show on again next year!


surveys, TV


You’re Ashley Kerwin! Rocker chick that’s very
calm, cool, and collected. Also maybe trying to
find yourself. You love to try new things.

Which DEGRASSI Character Are Ya??
brought to you by Quizilla

You’re Manny! You’re a great friend, always willing
to do things for others. You’re always happy,
sweet, romantic, and a bit innocent. Sometimes
you can be badly influenced by other people
though. You’re strong, you just need to
convince yourself. You fall for guys a bit
easily, which may get your heart broken. I know
you really feel like you love that guy, and
although he doesn’t have a problem hooking up
with you, a relationship is very unlikely. He’s
not worth your affections. But lately you’ve
had an attitude problem…and those sexy new
clothes won’t attract the kind of attention you
want, and you might get taken advantage of.
Don’t forget about those who stood by you,
before you got popular with the boys.

Which Degrassi Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are just like Manny. You know what you want
and dont hesitate to get it. You make a really
good friend, but at times you get in over your
head. Just remember that friends are forever,
and your

Which Degrassi Girl Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You’re Ellie. You’re probably very independent.
You do what you like, when you want to do it,
and no one can tell you otherwise. You don’t
like offending people, but if you do, you
really don’t care. You’re a real individual,
and you like it like that. Just watch your
stress level. You’re only one person and
you’re not expected to be able to handle
everything at once.

What’s your Degrassi: The Next Generation Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yes, I should be sleeping.

I CAN’T FIND the last Degrassi episode – it’s never on Limewire. I wish I could see it. And WE’RE NOT getting digital cable when we move, so will have to count on Limewire to see all of Season 5!!


(just kidding).

Goodnight — dori