Christmas, NaBloPoMo, Ryan

Spirit of Christmas

Ryan style 🙂

I was doing dishes yesterday but Ryan decided THEN was the time to start unpacking all the Christmas boxes I had hidden behind the couch. He also did some of this in the morning yesterday before school —

Let’s get all these boxes dumped!

Decorating Ryan Style 1

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

What a bunch of tangled beautiful garland!

Decorating Ryan Style 2

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

Garland still on bottom, and 2 strands of lights (continued even now) out.

Decorating Ryan Style 4

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

This tin looks like a drum!

Decorating Ryan Style 5

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

Putting all the garlands on the bottom …

Decorating Ryan Style 6

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

Pulling all the garland out. He eventually got it all tangled and we had to get it all untangled last night 🙂

Decorating Ryan Style 7

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

Last night:

The breakables, up high enough??

11-07 023

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

Love those lights…

11-07 018

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

Colleen’s room.

11-07 019

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

Office wall

11-07 020

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

Santas (not breakable, on lower shelf 🙂 )

11-07 021

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

And half our stuff is still in the attic!

11-07 022

Originally uploaded by criscollrj.

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