haven’t been reading, things are nuts. Newest news:
Ohhh boy. Rog called his workplace and was directed to call his supervisor on his supervisor’s cell phone. Turns out Jeff his supervisor, along with another person doing the same kind of thing at the workplace, were laid off. There’s no work in sight. So Rog is out job hunting. He’s not technically lost his job or anything, but with no work and all these layoffs, it doesn’t look good. He’s worked 5 days since the beginning of December. Luckily we had saved up during the “fat” times but now that the lean times have been here quite a while we’ve almost used it up. I’m glad we were wise enough to save….
I have been thinking of something too. With my family situation I hesitate to look for a permanent job, but I did call the temporary agency Robert Half Legal that I worked for back in 2003 (I did a 6 week assignment for them before that full time job I had for 6 months). I asked if I wished to, may I be put on a list to be called for temporary assignments. He said yes. I said is there any penalty if I turn down an assignment and he said no. So if Rog doesn’t find a job in a week or two I think I may sign up with them again. My name is in their system. I did not sign up, yet.
I’m also going to call back this other attorney that called me sometime last year asking for temporary help. I’m going to see if they still need someone.
I told Rog maybe the Lord has something better in store now now that we’ve moved – that he used the other job to get us this house (you know, long term job placement – he was there for almost 6 years). Maybe we’ll find something with insurance. I know you can get insurance with Robert Half but you have to work a lot. I don’t think I could work that much, now.
I have thought of the home work too but I think it’s just too hectic right now to try and do that. I’d need the kids in school all day to try and focus on work at home. (I don’t even know where all my equipment is….) Even with Rog home it sounds crazy. We are talking about putting the door back on the office so we can close it. That is a future option!!!
Well, I guess that’s all my new news- which is big news.. sigh. I did accomplish a big computer project which I was proud of – after the “middle aged” computer (2000 Dell) died I got my old one here from my mom’s house, and set it up and networked it. Then I programmed the old fax to work so am back in business with a working network and fax. Even got my old fonts back off the old computer that I loved and couldn’t find – especially CAC Pinafore! Still want to eventually fiddle with the middle-aged Dell and get it to work for Colleen as she has Insaniquarium on there. She doesn’t like my old Wonderex 486 – too slow for her!!! it is souped up to Pentium 1 for goodness sake! ha ha – it’s my baby from 1995 — worked on that machine for 8 years in DOS Word Perfect.