Thanks, Heather, for alerting me to this —
check this out, guys
Check that out.. put in your addy + it’ll show you a map of where the sex offenders are near you. Click on one of the red boxes (offenders) + it’ll tell you their name, what they look like, what they did + when.”
And, am I the only idiot that forgets for entries on end to put “friends” only? I just changed like 10 entries from public to friends. I’m going to have to see if there’s a default for that…..
(2020 obviously above is a reference to LiveJournal — this was a friends-only blog on there. I actually had to delete a lot of stuff to make this a public blog….)
dori, who’s proud to say she typed 2/3 of a CD at 6:00 a.m…..
there is a default for making all future entries friends-only without having to set the security manually, here’re the directions:
hope that helps! and congrats on the CD!