birthdays, photos

A parade of memories!

3-2-03 036

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Watch out, you’re going to be seeing lots of old pictures!! I just started to upload my own that are on my own computer (a whole directory of our “friends” pictures of us and their family) and then in the middle my Yahoo pictures started uploading from the Yahoo-Flickr move a lot of you may have heard of (many of the years 2002-2003).

So, a whole lot of organizing and categorizing coming up in the future! I love looking at our old pictures 🙂

This is Ryan, one year old birthday party!

birthdays, Ryan

ONE MORE WEEK, one more day

WOW, time flies. Tomorrow is my and Ryan’s birthday. He’s 3, I’m 40, tomorrow, at 1:53 and 1:56 (approximately!) respectively. Three years ago at about 2:00 (it’s 1:45 now) my labor JUST started. I had my first labor pains with him ironically during “A Baby Story.” It got severe about 8 hours later in the early evening. I drove my daughter to the Y and also picked her up during labor! I felt like I was falling out. But the pains were not consistent or extremely severe so I didn’t go into the hospital until 1 a.m., after my water broke (right after Sarah Hughes won the 2002 Skating Gold Medal (gold? I think? Unless it was silver????)

Man, it seems like yesterday. He was born the next afternoon, on my birthday.

Gotta finish cleanup today—- kids home, president’s day. busy busy.

more soon — Ryan starts preschool next Monday!!!!