If you were a mom of an 11 1/2 year old girl, would you let her have a blog on here? Set to friends only and only her friends you know? Set with your email as the default email?
That’s what I’m thinking of doing, and I think she’ll be safe that way, but wondered what you all thought? I can put a private journal flag on the intro page so strangers wouldn’t be email her to try and read it, but could make the entries friends only so that her friends in real life could read and comment. I thought she could post her animal pictures in photobucket to share.
What do you think? Any stories (horror or otherwise)?
I think if its strictly friends in real life, + the default email is YOURS.. i think its a good idea, im sure she’d love that! <3<3
Hi, my thoughts are along the line of your relationship with her. Wise mothers create wise daughters, that along with her security of knowing you are there to protect her is an amazing feeling for a girl who is for want of a better word ‘spreading her wings, under protection’!!!!!!!
i think that with all the precautions you’ve already mentioned, plus a refresher “internet safety” chat with her, it should be perfectly fine! just as long as she knows not to put any of her personal info out there (like address, phone number, last name, etc.), which i’m sure she does!