“It takes a noble man to plant a seed for a tree that will some day give shade to people he may never meet.”
– D. Elton Trueblood
There is more to this article at the link. And it resonates with me as a teacher. However, I looked up trees in the connection of someone having a vision of a tree that he was looking for, found, and then passed away into heaven. This happened to our Papa last Sunday October 6, 2024.
Roger’s story:
“Lisa and I and my mom were visiting him on Friday, a couple days before he had passed. And he told us he was looking for a tree, then he could go home. Lisa and Mom and I were confused by this and didn’t know what this meant. And he told just us, the immediate members of the family present in the room. He told each of us individually about this tree. Sunday, the day he passed on, not long before he died, he said to my mom, who was the only one there that day, “I found the tree, and I am going home.” And it was only five minutes later that he passed on. That is why I wanted to plant a tree in his name, because this will be Papa’s tree here on earth.”
Roger is getting a tree in his name. And thememorial tree site will plant it where it is most needed.
And papa’s tree will give shade to those who seek it.
Roger and Dorene Humphries
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