autism, chris, colleen, college, health, Ryan, weight, work

Transfers and Changes!

2013-06-04 16.40.07



After a very busy, enjoyable summer, we are headed into a fall of changes yet excitement!

First, Chris had a very nice summer camp, along with Ryan, part of the time, where the boys got to swim, go to the mall, the movies, play at the park, and just generally get a lot of activity and movement in the sun, and rain!  Both boys enjoy it a lot and we hope they get to attend next year!  Then Chris went back to his workshop and is really accelerating his progress now after their acquiring an autism interventionist (which is what I’m striving to be, eventually!) that is working wonders with him.  I am also putting more programs on the IPad including Autismate Lite and a Social Story program that we hope will be helpful to him.  He also has been playing on a spelling matching game with me that he enjoys a lot!

Ryan also greatly enjoyed that summer camp, and went to another as well, which was from his school and was an autism camp at a local school.  That was more academic, and we were so pleased that he was actually promoted to a higher level class when he was there.  He then decided to test that teacher with some behaviors but then calmed down and did his work the rest of the time he was there.  He then had another week at the activities camp, and is now half done with his first week of NO camp.  This has been hard on him and we are just trying to keep him busy and happy.  Today is scheduled with going out to the store and later going for his before school physical.  Then tomorrow I work and Grandma watches him, then the weekend is full of time with his brother and then only one more week!  AND the 20th he has 2 hours at his school for orientation.  Before I know it, Ryan will be in 6th grade – August 26!  New school, new teacher, but most likely mostly the same classmates.

Colleen is preparing for her 2nd year of college and most likely will be working at the same time.  This will be a busy new year for her, and she and Scott continue to plan their future and have fun together.  He is working a lot and they try their best to schedule time together around their schedules.  She continues her love for all pets, and our telling her NO MORE PETS continues.

As always Rog and I are scheduling our quarterly business trips together and have some much needed alone time as we drive miles around the area to these SE Ohio and Western PA counties.  We most likely are next going on October, with the blazing fall leaves.  It is cool to see the seasons change as we do these trips.

Other than that, I’m still working for my senior ladies – two years now! And we have Chris every weekend and have fun with him and the family. Rog and I are battling our own health issues and trying to get healthier. I lost 13 pounds this year doing MFP and walking – think he has lost some weight too, but not sure how much. I’m looking forward now to fall walking and plan to sign up for hopefully two Y classes and start lifting weights a little. I think that will start my weight loss back up. I actually have lost a total of 25 since 2010 and think I do look better. Double chin is gone!

My driver’s license pic in 2010: license


Me now. About 25 pounds down…wgu pic

50 to go!

After waiting since March when I signed up for Western Governor’s to see any progress on my entrance (such as my schedule or what classes I personally need to take) I finally got my orientation page and my schedule page, along with all the courses I need to take, on my main portal today!  They had told me before the magic date would be the 15th of August.  So I get to start my orientation activities, which probably will take me a week or so, along with all my classes to investigate.  This is my cup of tea so I will be overly excited about it for a while… ha ha.

Time to put in a “more” tag and then those of you interested can read all about what classes I’ll be taking!

What is now drafted as my first semester:  This will be discussed with my educational mentor as soon as I’m assigned one but it looks like a good place to start to me…



That definitely looks like it will keep me busy.  I’m still a little confused why I have to take two more Math for teachers when I already took two at Kent, but being that Math is definitely not a strong suit for me the continued barrage of math to my brain, when I REALLY need to learn it to be a good teacher, is probably a good plan.  All your prayers of course are highly appreciated!

After that, my entire course schedule is displayed:  As you can see it takes me all the way to 2017 but I really don’t think it will take me that long – hope not!!  I am predicting June of 16.  We shall see, of course.  The way WGU works, if I finish the above four early (before March of 2014) I can add on from the below list.  I still don’t know if I can take them out of order or not.

Term 2  |   March 1, 2014 to August 31, 2014

Total CU: 14

Term 3  |   September 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015

Total CU: 14

Term 4  |   March 1, 2015 to August 31, 2015

Total CU: 13

Term 5  |   September 1, 2015 to February 29, 2016

Total CU: 12

Term 6  |   March 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016

Total CU: 12

Term 7  |   September 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017

Total CU: 22

Term 8  |   March 1, 2017 to August 31, 2017

Total CU: 6



Classes that transferred in for me from Kent and Lakeland:

(Interestingly on my phone WGU app – they don’t appear on my computer site.  strange….)

Foundations of College Mathematics

Communications Foundations

Fundamentals of Foundational Perspectives of Education

English Composition I

English Composition II

Mathematics for Elementary Educators I

Literature, Arts and the Humanities

Literature, Arts and the Humanities:  Analysis and Interpretation

Introduction to Biology

Introduction to Biology Lab

Fundamentals of Educational Psychology

General Education Social Science:  Analysis and Applications

General Education Social Science


13 courses transferred in,

43 courses to go.




Here I go.

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