colleen, reflections

When you get that text or call…

I was getting a hearing exam Thursday (yesterday) and was in the chair with the thick ear pieces in my ear, hearing the series of beeps to say yes or no to.  When I was all done (hearing hasn’t changed – my old hearing aid was cleaned and still good) I checked my phone. 

It was unusual to have about seven missed calls and two texts when I’d only been unavailable for about an hour.  The one that came up first was:

“You need to call Colleen.  She got into an accident and is on her way to the emergency hospital.  We have been calling you over and over again.”  From her fiance.

The visions that pass through your mind suddenly in that situation are horrific.  It is probably not very different from when you have a near accident yourself and your life passes before your eyes.  I immediately called my daughter and heard her voice, a little weak but not faint, and she said that she had broken her nose in a car accident, and that her friend driving had some bumps and bruises but was okay.  The overwhelming joy was such a relief over the prior fear.  How lucky they were.  How strong the relief and how scary the thought of what could have been, what God protected us from.

Thankful for seatbelts and defensive driving maneuvers today!  Thank you, Lord, for your mercy to us all!

By the way, her noise wasn’t broken – at first they thought it was but after CT scan nothing was broken.  A concussion is suspected, so her injuries were treated as head injuries, and she underwent her 24 hours of not being allowed to sleep for more than two hours at a time (which, of course, we did not either).  That is happily over and she is okay, though still sore.

Love you girls!


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