autism, college, deafness, God

Fall semester



When I was a little girl I remember labeling and assembling all my school supplies weeks before school started.  I loved the way the notebooks and pencils looked, all new, crisp, and shiny, and the way they felt smooth and clean in my hands.  To this day I still have a habit of ruffling the side of book pages, feeling absent-mindedly how smooth the side of the book feels as I read or listen in class.  I don’t know what it all means but I do know it hasn’t gone away.  On a side note, I think Ryan has inherited my addiction to school supplies – he loves his notebooks and bookbags very much – it’s so cute!



It is a good feeling to have gone back to school after wanting to for about 15 years.  I remember in 1995 first considering that I would like to go back to college after that time being absent for 9 years.  When I graduated in 1987 I had been going for 3 1/2 years, and even though I didn’t realize it at the time I think I needed a break simply from not knowing what I really wanted to do with my life.  I went to college in 1983 planning to become a nurse.  After going one quarter I decided to be a medical secretary.  I went one more quarter and decided to be a legal secretary (which, as you all know, I stuck with).  However, two years later by 1986 I was toying with changing over to being a graphic artist, and then while I was still going for the legal secretarial I decided I wanted to get a business management degree.  I did take two courses towards this at the very end of my first college career, but decided to go ahead and just graduate with the Associate of Applied Business Degree in June of 1987, one week before my wedding.

Jobs in legal secretarial were plentiful back then, and I switched positions several times before I found my niche with the firm I worked with for over 7 years or so altogether [though I worked some at other firms as well], and then that experience led to my being a legal transcriptionist at my home, which I still do.  I have enjoyed my work very much and appreciate the fact that I have been able to mostly be home and available for the children through the past few years.

Throughout these years, however, I have had numerous occasions where I thought about going back to school, first as a paralegal in 1995, then in 1999 as a medical transcriptionist.  The urge subsided then in 2000 as I became a legal transcriptionist trainee and had a whole bunch of education in that!  Then by 2003 I was working at a law firm again and was desiring to become a court reporter.  Then between 04 and 05 I wanted to become either an occupational therapist or a music therapist.  With working at home again in 06 and learning all kinds of new companies it subsided again, and then in 09 came the decision that felt right and rock solid to become  speech therapist.  I am believing that the reason all the other roads were blocked is that God knew eventually he would place the desire in me to become a speech therapist specializing in autism and deafness, hopefully to help my boys and others as well.  What a long road to the decision, and another long road to the results —

My third semester, taking Intermediate Algebra and Human Biology.  Next semester most likely Children’s lit for my last humanities credit and most likely statistics as my last math credit.  Then health and economics over the summer.  I think that finishes off the Associate of Arts degree and I should be in the Kent speech program by Fall of 11.  I need to apply this winter.  It shall be a big change, going to a new big college, a totally new direction.  Wow.



Should be all done with these by end of summer 11.  (most I took in the 80’s).  So the Associate of Arts will be done.

General Course Work (37-38 hours)
US 10097 First Year Colloquium ……………..1 Humanities and Fine Arts
Composition Select three from LER Humanities & Fine Arts. One must be
ENG 11011 College Writing I ……………………3 from Arts & Sciences and one must be a fine arts course.
ENG 21011 College Writing II …………………..3 (See Reverse)
Mathematics & Critical Reasoning (A&S)_________________________________ …………… 3
Choose ONE from MATH LER (See Reverse) ______________________________________ ………….. 3
MATH____________________________………………..3 (Fine Arts) _____________________________ ………….. 3
Social Sciences
PSYC 11762 General Psychology………………… 3 Basic Sciences
Choose ONE from LER Social Science (NO PSYC) (See Reverse) BSCI 10001 Human Biology ………………………….. 3
______________________________________ ……..3 Choose from the LER Basic Sciences (See Reverse)
Additional ______________________________________ ………….. 3

Do need this child psych class.  Will either take at Lakeland or Kent.

PSYC 20651 Child Psychology…………………….3 ____________________________________ lab ………… (1)
Choose ONE from LER in Categories II-V. Select no more than one
course from any Category (no Soc. Sci.). COMM 15000 may be selected. Diversity requirements met? Global Domestic
______________________________________ ……..3
Major Course Work (49 Hours) A minimum 2.25 GPA or better is required in all major coursework
Must have 2.75 minimum GPA to be accepted into the major – see faculty advisor

Then I think these I’m taking all at Kent campus starting fall of 11, except for the English which I had in the 80’s.:

Major Requirements (40 hours)
SP&A 33101 Hearing Science …………………………………..3 SP&A 43404 Aural Rehabilitation ……………………………3
SP&A 34102 Applied Phonetics ………………………………..3 SP&A 43492 Clinical Prep. Audiology……………………..2
SP&A 34103 Anatomy & Phys. of Speech ………………….3 SP&A 44111 Neural Processes ………………………………..3
SP&A 34104 Speech & Language Development ………….3 SP&A 44110 Speech Science…………………………………..3
SP&A 34106 Articulatory & Phono. Disorders…………….3 SP&A 44112 Age-Related Changes in Comm……………3
SP&A 34107 Lang. Disorders/Child. & Adol. ……………..3 SP&A 44310 Clinical Procedures …………………………….3
SP&A 43402 Audiometry …………………………………………3 w SP&A 44492 Clinical Prep in Speech-Lang Path………..2
Other Course Requirements (9 hours) PSYC 31043 Basic Learning Processes …………………….3
PSYC 21621 Quantitative Methods in Psyc I ………………3 ENG 31001 Fundamentals of English Grammar……….3
Combined Bachelor/Master Program (CBMP) Up to 12 hours of graduate coursework may be counted toward the bachelor degree



Then master’s:

  • information on language disorders of children and adults (including those resulting from cognitive-communicative disorders)
  • communication disorders of the multiply and severely handicapped
  • phonological disorders
  • disorders of swallowing, voice, rhythm, and hearing

Clinical practicum is provided in both on- and off-campus locations. The master’s program typically requires two years of full-time study depending on the student’s practicum needs. Enrollment for the two years combined averages 60-70 students.

M.A. Requirements for Speech Language Pathology


SP&A 64301
Aphasia and Apraxia


SP&A 64302
Language Assess. and Intervention in Early Childhood


SP&A 64303
Disorders of Articulation and Phonology


SP&A 64304
Cognitive-Communicative Disorders


SP&A 64305
Fluency Disorders


SP&A 64306
Voice Disorders


SP&A 64307


SP&A 64308
Language Assess. and Interv. with School-Age Populations


SP&A 65354
Maxiofacial Anomalies


SP&A 64356


SP&A 64391
Sem: Articulation and Phonology


SP&A 64891
Sem: Communication Modalities and Assistive Technologies


SP&A 64991
Sem: Critical Topics in Speech-Language Pathology*




* Students typically register for 1 hour of 64991 in each of two separate semesters.


SP&A 64600
Research Methods and Materials in SP&A





SP&A 64500
Language Science


SP&A 64504
Experimental Phonetics





SP&A 64098







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