idea borrowed from Colleen’s journal….
- 8 hours sleep
- a dry bathroom (Chris floods it so often the wallpaper is peeling off the wall)
- being pregnant – the door is closed on that, and it’s a bittersweet feeling
- writing stories and poems for hours on end with no guilt
- really thinking I’d be in a successful band, and practicing in our band for night after night and thinking we were GREAT
- that newborn cry
- Chris being little and playing the organ in his room
- Colleen being little, having waves in her long curly hair, and loving her little Minnie doll
- When RJ was Bald!
- sometimes, when I’m a little nuts, I miss WORKING, but not that often 😉
- going out to taverns to eat burgers and fries late at night
- endless summer CONCERTS! Awww, that was awesome.
- singing in harmony with friends in high school, up and down the hall
- the first feelings of being in love, the tingly stomach at holding hands, the fear at the phone ringing – is it HIM?
- walking in the wood with my dog in high school, Cocoa, singing at the top of my lungs.
Hmmm, things I love now seems like a logical next step. Then I’m off to clean….
- Chris sleeping through the night now on his new meds
- Colleen becoming a young lady, so beautiful, intelligent, and creative.
- Ryan’s long curly corkscrew locks!
- Dates out with hubby, like tomorrow we’re having breakfast! on his day off
- Ryan dancing to grunge, metal, and 80’s music!
- My backyard and sidewalk – so convenient and as much as I complain about my house I am grateful for them!
- Being able to attend church again and singing praise choruses with everyone
- Getting house back in order finally now that kids are back to school
- Dreaming of and hopefully soon attending college
- Getting thinner on my diet
- Still occasionally having that yummy but evil cheeseburger, fries, and my favorite Coca Cola!
- Having a little time to do things like this online for ME!
lator, gators,,, dori
i should do a list of things i love too 🙂